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Member Publications & Awards

SCWA members are encouraged to post news about their personal publications, awards and other recognitions. It is the members' responsibility to post their information; while this page is monitored periodically, members are responsible for their content. If you are not a member of SCWA, please Join Us to be able to post your news. (SCWA makes no guarantees regarding the legitimacy of posted information.) 

  • 13 Jul 2023 11:49 AM | Anonymous member

    My most recent publication is on the Charleston Mercury's website.

    Here's the link:


  • 12 Jul 2023 12:00 PM | Anonymous member

    Published today. My 50 word memoir.  Special thanks to my short story writers group for all the encouragement to experiment with short fiction.

  • 04 Jun 2023 3:17 PM | Anonymous member

    I am over the moon thrilled to announce that the NC Poetry Society named me a finalist for the 2023 NC Poet Laureate Award. In addition, my poem Sales Tips for Swimwear Associates at Big Body Beachwear & Gear received honorable mention in the NC Poetry Society Light Verse award and is published in Pinesong 2023. 

    Other recent publications I am delighted to announce include my piece The Sorrow of Onion Skins, in Quartet, Spring/Summer Issue 2023, Vol. 3, Issue 2, May 2023. The same issue also contains my “Artist’s Statement” . My poem, Make me Your Birdhouse, is inScribe Journal (Tabor University, Perth, Australia), Issue 05, Feb 2023. And my tiny prose poem Compost your heart to green, is in the latest book from Greenwood Collections, Bark & Blossom, Greenwood Collections, Vol. 2, , ed Sam Bellamy and S. Farrar, Green Ink Poetry Press (UK), 2023.

    I continue to feel crazy lucky and grateful for the wonderful support from  and lessons I learn from SC Writers members - especially my buddies in the Virtual Fiction group.

  • 03 Jun 2023 9:56 AM | Anonymous member

    My article about Larry's Grandmother, Dr Madge Baker Gaskin, was published in the June 2023 edition of The Charleston Mercury.

  • 01 Jun 2023 10:34 AM | Anonymous member

    I am thrilled to announce that my story, "Painting Dreams in Tuscany," has been published in the book "LOST - Vol. 02 Stories of Missing Things" in May 2023.

    I am deeply grateful to the amazing writers and members who took the time to read my story, provided invaluable suggestions, and offered unwavering support throughout this journey. It is their encouragement and guidance that have made this accomplishment possible.

    Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!


  • 20 May 2023 1:22 PM | Anonymous member

    My article, "The Lee Family of Barnwell, South Carolina" was just published in The Low Country Courier, the newsletter of the Charleston Chapter of the South Carolina Genealogical Society.

  • 11 May 2023 6:02 PM | Anonymous member

    I recently wrote my first fiction short story (really, flash fiction). I submitted it to several places, and it has been accepted for publication in the June edition of Danse Macabre.

    Here's a link to the page with my story.

  • 05 May 2023 3:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Murder Clause, the sixth book in Raegan Teller's Enid Blackwell Mystery Series, is now available on Amazon or anywhere books are sold. E-books available exclusively on Kindle.  Visit for more info. 

  • 27 Apr 2023 9:47 AM | Anonymous member

    I am happy to announce that USC Press will be publishing my new book on USC sports, covering South Carolina's exit from the Atlantic Coast Conference and the sometimes stormy but always entertaining twenty years between ACC and SEC membership. Release scheduled for this November. 

    A Gamecock Odyssey - South Carolina Sports in the Independent Era (1971-1991), by Alan Piercy

    Many thanks to the great people over at USC Press! 

  • 13 Apr 2023 11:41 AM | Anonymous member

    My poem, "A Poem for Aiken", was published in the Aiken-Barnwell Genealogical and Historical Society News and Journal, Volume XXXIX Number I, First Quarter 2023.

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The South Carolina Writers Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit literary organization, receives support from the South Carolina Arts Commission and our members, furthering our mission to offer a supportive environment for people to become better writers. SCWA is grateful for this support. DONATE

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