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Member Publications & Awards

SCWA members are encouraged to post news about their personal publications, awards and other recognitions. It is the members' responsibility to post their information; while this page is monitored periodically, members are responsible for their content. If you are not a member of SCWA, please Join Us to be able to post your news. (SCWA makes no guarantees regarding the legitimacy of posted information.) 

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  • 07 Sep 2021 12:53 PM | Anonymous member

    Catherine C. Con's short story "Becoming" will be published on The Bookend Review, December 2021.

    Her short story "Feuillemort", the Finalist for the Ann C. Barnhill prize for Creative Nonfiction will be published on Longridge Review, October 2021.

    Her "The Visit" will appear on Change Seven, October 1st, 2021. 

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The South Carolina Writers Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit literary organization, receives support from the South Carolina Arts Commission and our members, furthering our mission to offer a supportive environment for people to become better writers. SCWA is grateful for this support. DONATE

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