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logo For the South Carolina Writers Association.

Our Sponsors

SCWA is funded in part by generous grants from the following organizations: 


South Carolina Humanities is a not-for-profit organization inspiring, engaging and enriching South Carolinians with programs on literature, history, culture and heritage.

The South Carolina Arts Commission receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts.

Our Partners

SCWA also has established partnerships with the following organizations: 

The Pat Conroy Literary Center nurtures a diverse community of writers, readers, teachers, and students by offering educational programs and special events that celebrate the transformative power of story, expanding our impact through collaborations with local and national partners.

One Columbia For Arts & Culture generously supports SCWA.

The South Carolina Academy of Authors and the South Carolina Writers Association proudly co-sponsor writing fellowship awards.

The SCWA is generously supported by Write-On SC, which promotes South Carolina writers. Write-on SC can be heard Saturdays at 9 a.m. at 100.7 FM/1470 AM on Make The Point Radio.

Connect with SCWA

The South Carolina Writers Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit literary organization, receives support from the South Carolina Arts Commission and our members, furthering our mission to offer a supportive environment for people to become better writers. SCWA is grateful for this support. DONATE

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