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Member Publications & Awards

SCWA members are encouraged to post news about their personal publications, awards and other recognitions. It is the members' responsibility to post their information; while this page is monitored periodically, members are responsible for their content. If you are not a member of SCWA, please Join Us to be able to post your news. (SCWA makes no guarantees regarding the legitimacy of posted information.) 

  • 13 Dec 2023 1:30 PM | Anonymous member

    A new South Carolina poetry review, New Rotvrier Review, is currently accepting submissions for no fee until March 20th, 2024. 

    Three to five original poems may be submitted per reading period via the publication website. 

    Aesthetic guidelines are provided under the Foundations of Rotvrier Poetry section. 

    Copyright reverts back to the poet immediately after publication and payment is in the form of one contributor copy per published poem.

    Critiques will be provided for no charge as allowed by submission volume. 

    The review also offers free journals (one per year, per address) through the Journals for Healing Journeys project as a community supporting effort to promote journaling for well-being.

  • 08 Nov 2023 8:48 AM | Anonymous member

    Philadelphia publisher, Two Sisters Press, will release Susan Coryell's new picture book, KIKI'S DREAM, November 24 in paperback, hardcover and ebook.

    Kiki is a young Hawaiian girl who loves to romp on the beach all year round, but her dream in to play in snow. A surprise trip to Michigan offers the possibility of fulfilling her dream. 

    Illustrated by Hannah Mathis, recent Clemson University graduate, KIKI'S DREAM reveals Hawaii's exotic setting and promotes love for children of all races, children who have dreams.

  • 06 Nov 2023 12:16 PM | Anonymous member

    I am deeply honored that my poem Prayer Walker’s Tongue  was selected to appear in Kakalak 2023, published by MOONSHINE Review Press.

    Kakalak is a journal that, in the words of its editors, "evokes the spirit of the Carolinas from the Outer Banks and Low Country to the Piedmont and Appalachia."

    The 2023  print Volume has just gone to press and is now available on the  Moonshine Review Press website:

  • 03 Nov 2023 9:01 PM | Anonymous member

    Thrilled to announce my poem, inspired by Katherine Mansfield's captivating short story "The Doll's House," will be featured in the New Zealand celebrations on November 18, 2023.

    I'm honored to perform a virtual reading of "The Invitation" as part of the Katherine Mansfield Centenary Program.

    Katherine Mansfield 100 Program

  • 26 Oct 2023 9:40 AM | Anonymous member

    I'm truly honored that my poem, 'In the Mirror of Sylvia,' will be featured in the anthology 'Remembering Sylvia Plath.' We gather to celebrate the life and enduring impact of this literary luminary on the 80th anniversary of her passing.

    Join us on October 29th, from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm, as poets unite to remember Sylvia Plath, a writer whose work continues to touch souls and provoke thought.

    Zoom Registration Link:

  • 04 Oct 2023 10:16 AM | Anonymous member

    Excited to have my short story that takes place in South Carolina out today in this International Anthology.

    "The Culinary Chronicles of Caroline" explores the life of a woman with severe allergies, criticized by her family and ex-partners for her unconventional cooking. A misunderstanding lead to a hospital trip, an event that surprisingly blossoms into a story of acceptance, creative cooking, and love.

    Special thanks to the gifted writers of the Short Story Online group. Your invaluable support and insightful comments have played a crucial role in my growth as a writer.

    Book Trailer

  • 01 Oct 2023 3:12 PM | Anonymous member

    Exciting news! 'The Bad Day Book, Volume 1,' is available NOW wherever books are sold!

    This anthology is a heartwarming and often hilarious testament to the fact that you're never alone in your challenging moments.

    Ever feel like life is just one big comedy of errors? Well, you're not alone—and it's better to laugh it off.

    I'm thrilled to have my own story, 'The Rainy Day Job Interview,' featured in this collection.

    A huge shout-out to our editor and publisher, Amilee Weaver Selfridge. Thanks for bringing these relatable stories to life, fostering a community of shared laughter and wisdom, and making the world a happier place.

  • 19 Sep 2023 3:35 PM | Anonymous member

    I am thrilled for this publication by the Georgia Writers' Head Light Review:

    Here is the link:

    Thank you. Catherine Con

  • 31 Aug 2023 12:23 PM | Anonymous member

    Mary Alice Dixon is thrilled to have her short story Devil's Footprint on my Chin:  The Great Awakening of Iris Blue Luckadoo Bivens appear in Hard to Find: An Anthology of New Southern Gothic, ed Meredith Janning ( Stephen F Austin State University Press, available from Texas A&M University Press, 2023). Mary Alice is immensely grateful to the members of the Virtual Fiction Group through who critiqued an early draft. of this story and whose insights helped birth the final version.

    Mary Alice is also delighted to have her flash piece Peach Skin Letters appear on the site 50-Word Stories for August 31, 2023. Mary Alice was inspired to write flash by the wonderful SCWA flash fiction workshop taught by the great Amber Wheeler Bacon.

  • 29 Jul 2023 3:20 PM | Anonymous member

    I am thrilled and deeply honored to share that my poem, "Lucky Penny," inspired by my late mother, has been selected for inclusion in the South Carolina Bard Poetry Collection 2023.

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The South Carolina Writers Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit literary organization, receives support from the South Carolina Arts Commission and our members, furthering our mission to offer a supportive environment for people to become better writers. SCWA is grateful for this support. DONATE

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