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My first professional fiction publication

02 Mar 2023 8:13 PM | Anonymous member

I was pleasantly surprised today to receive my first acceptance for a work of fiction I'd submitted to a publication.

That publication, Sci Phi Journal, received the 2022 European Science Fiction Society Hall of Fame Award for Best SF Magazine, so I'm thrilled that they liked my work.

It's a short piece, so not a lot of money, but I guess now I can claim to be an "Author" as well as an "Internationally published author"! I'm not sure when the story will actually be published, but will share that information once I receive it.

Thanks to all of the people in the SCWA  Science Fiction/Fantasy Virtual Genre Group and the other SCWA critique groups I participate in for the constructive criticism I've been given since joining.


  • 06 Mar 2023 5:25 PM | Anonymous

    It is also good to hear SCWA membership has benefited you.

    I've not been so fortunate. Have asked for blurbs for my second novel, and no one appears to have even seen that. Oh well.)

    Once again, Congratulations "Internationally published author" Larry.
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  • 09 Mar 2023 2:00 PM | Anonymous member
    Congratulations, Larry. Can't wait to read the story! So glad you're in our virtual fiction group.
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