I'm thrilled to announce my poem "Night Owl Dream Woman" has just been featured in The Sunlight Press. https://www.thesunlightpress.com/2024/04/18/night-owl-dreams-woman/
My "Three Poems of Envisioning" along with my audio recordings of the poems are in Please See Me: Acceptance. https://pleaseseeme.com/issue-14-acceptance/three-poems_psm14_poetry-mary-alice-dixon/
And my true story, "From Mudville to Joyville" is in the latest Personal Story Publishing Project Anthology, Now or Never. My recording of the story is also live on the PSPP site.https://www.randelljones.com/6minutestories/2024/4/9/from-mudville-to-joy-ville-by-mary-alice-dixon
My good friends in Virtual Fiction have my eternal thanks for their support and their own fine, fine writing, from which I always learn.