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launch party

05 Feb 2024 3:13 PM | Anonymous member

      I hope you will join me for the release of my sixth book, the mystery/suspense novel Through Any Window,  at a March 5, 2024, launch party at Cafe And Then Some, 101 College St., Greenville. It's a drop-in from 5 to 7:30 PM. 

        For those of you familiar with Greenville, my good friend Mary Louise Earle McDaniel Hampton Pinckney will say a few words. One can only assume she will detest the book.   

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The South Carolina Writers Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit literary organization, receives support from the South Carolina Arts Commission and our members, furthering our mission to offer a supportive environment for people to become better writers. SCWA is grateful for this support. DONATE

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