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Author's Toolbox: Acclaimed Southern Author Stephen Hundley: Writing Short Stories and Novels

  • 18 Jul 2024
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Zoom


  • SCWA member in good standing
  • Nonmember

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Stephen Hundley, Caucasian man with beard and mustache

Join acclaimed writer Stephen Hundley for a one-hour talk on writing short stories and novels—and adding fantasy and science fiction to traditional Southern stories.

Hundley is the author of The Aliens Will Come to Georgia First (University of North Georgia Press, 2023) and Bomb Island (Hub City Press, 2024), “a funny and fast-paced” novel that is part coming-of-age romance and part thriller, says Hundley’s publisher.

He is a fiction editor at Driftwood Press and a book review editor at the Southeast Review.

His stories and poems have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Cream City Review, The Greensboro Review, and elsewhere. He holds an MA from Clemson and an MFA from the University of Mississippi. He is currently completing a PhD in English at Florida State University.

Award-winning Southern author Ron Rash calls Hundley’s Bomb Island “a remarkable novel by an immensely talented young writer.”

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